price wars

美 [praɪs wɔrz]英 [praɪs wɔːz]
  • n.价格战
  • price war的复数
price warsprice wars

price wars


  • 1
    N-COUNT 价格战
    If competing companies are involved in a price war, they each try to gain an advantage by lowering their prices as much as possible in order to sell more of their products and damage their competitors financially.

    A vicious price war between manufacturers has cut margins to the bone.


  1. At some places , price wars are under way .


  2. The public benefits from , the price wars between the fast food chains .


  3. Which will keep them from the battle fields of price wars .


  4. In today 's Tech Byte , cell phone price wars are heating up .


  5. Price Wars and Product Innovations


  6. The escalating real estate price wars are equivalent to an epidemic one doesn 't envisage .


  7. Price wars have put pressure on companies ' margins , but they have also made mobile telephony more affordable .


  8. Finally , the fratricidal price wars led to the short-lived brand of Pharmaceuticals in China .


  9. However , the carriers also face a lot of problems , such as , low flight attendance , price wars and so on .


  10. Under Monopolistic competition market structure , which is not conducive to technological innovation , enterprises often compete through price wars and increasing advertising input .


  11. American AB Company Merges the Harbin Beer & A Case Analysis of Excessive Competition and Price Wars , Foreign Capitals Merge and Enterprises Reforming


  12. The price wars may wipe out already-thin PC profit margins , which typically hover at6 % .


  13. But few price wars have been as expensive for business , and as lucrative for consumers , as the taxi app war .


  14. However , a long time , most of our express delivery companies still stay in the low-level competition stage depend on the price wars to grab market share .


  15. This chapter analyzes the market behavior of various firms which is price wars , predatory pricing , the formation of cartels and profit model transformation and innovation .


  16. The price wars and the profit model of pressing the upper reaches of manufacturers are just the explicit comparative advantages , but not the source of the sustainable competitive advantages .


  17. South crown the strategic management of the company using innovative ideas , to locate low-cost strategy based on innovation and value , rather than the traditional sense of the cost and price wars .


  18. His competitors , Mr Pan says , benefit from tax concessions designed to attract foreign investors , and then use that surplus money to fund price wars against companies like Yili .


  19. Chengdu , capital of the southwest province of Sichuan , is on the front lines of China 's automobile price wars , as companies battle it out in an increasingly crowded market .


  20. Currently , the strategy of both CNPC and SINOPEC is price wars , which manifests in cutting the prices of the finished oil and purchasing gas stations and gas storages .


  21. LED industry is being in rapid development stage , more and more enterprises are joining into this industry , increasing competition are happening in this industry , and price wars between enterprises are more and more fierce .


  22. Homogenized competition is very common in the low-end frozen food markets . Price wars always happen in the same type , same taste category , which leads to a long-term decline of the industry margin .


  23. From the economic theory behind the enterprise pricing starting in-depth analysis of pricing , economics , business content , trying to economic analysis of enterprise pricing , competitive environment to help companies choose the right pricing , price wars out of trouble .


  24. Imperial Tobacco said it was unlikely to see a repeat of the " perfect storm " that led to revenue-damaging price wars in Spain this year , as it reported annual profits in line with expectations .


  25. However , the price wars , advertising wars , wars of commercial channels , neither can the telecommunications industry to build long-term competitive advantage . On the contrary , the increased competition leads to industry-wide decline in profit levels .


  26. In recent years , price wars are getting more and more severely in many industries in China , which not only reflects the severity of the market competition in these industries , but also relates to the incomprehension of firms in the principles and strategies of price competition .


  27. Industry experts said going forward , gym operators , in order to survive the coming price wars and thrive , should change their current business model to include not only exercise classes but personal trainers , health lessons , diet guidance , outdoor activities and other high value-added services .


  28. I know the troops here in Great Britain have borne a heavy price for wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan and I think the American people are grateful , said Obama .


  29. So we can 't simply afford to ignore the price of these wars .


  30. Even as he announced that he was sending more troops to Afghanistan , Barack Obama , US president , fretted that : We simply cannot afford to ignore the price of these wars .
